Cost Segregation Study Nebraska

From Scottsbluff to Omaha and everywhere in between, commercial property owners in Nebraska can save big with a cost segregation study from CSSI® – Cost Segregation Services, LLC. At CSSI®, we’ve helped over 45,000 property owners save MILLIONS of dollars on their income taxes using U.S. tax code-compliant studies.

It’s not too late to start saving 5%-8% of your building’s costs and increase your cash flow with a cost segregation study in Nebraska. Call us today to keep more of your money.

Portrait of Aaron Stratman

Increase My Cash Flow

Aaron Stratman

Decrease Tax Liability and Save Big on Your Income Taxes

Complete the form below, click the green button, and a CSSI® representative will assist you.

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What is a Cost Segregation Study in Nebraska?

A cost segregation study in Nebraska is the process of accelerating the depreciation schedules of eligible building components in order to reduce tax liability. When our team of experts shortens the depreciation schedules from 27.5- or 39-year spans to 5-, 7-, or 15-year spans, your tax burden is substantially lowered, and you have increased opportunity to spend your money where you need it more.

Commercial property owners who have a cost segregation study completed in Nebraska often save up to $100,000 for every $1 million in building costs. It’s your money. Keep more of it with CSSI®.

You Get Substantial Savings with a Cost Segregation Study in Nebraska

A cost segregation study in Nebraska will boost your savings no matter if you own a sports center in Hastings or an office complex in McCook. We help owners of all types of commercial buildings increase their cash flow so they can spend their money how they need to. Many commercial building owners use their money to:

Your building must only meet two requirements, including having a cost basis of at least $150,000 and being acquired after December 31, 1986. If you’re eligible for a cost segregation study in Nebraska, don’t wait any longer. Call our CSSI® today and start saving more.

Get a No-Cost Predictive Analysis from Cost Segregation Services, LLC

Our mission is to facilitate maximum tax savings for our clients across Nebraska and the United States. Get a no-cost predictive analysis of your commercial property today to find out how much you could save with a cost segregation study in Nebraska.

It’s Your Money. Keep More of It.