Cost Segregation Study In Colorado

From stunning mountains to beautiful flowing rivers, Colorado’s natural wonders provide endless opportunities to its residents and tourists. But did you know that commercial property owners in Colorado have an incredible opportunity themselves?

With a cost segregation study in Colorado, commercial property owners can save substantially on their taxes. CSSI® – Cost Segregation Services, LLC is the leading provider of cost segregation studies and facilitates savings of up to $100,000 for every $1 million in building costs for commercial property owners. Talk to our representatives today and find out what CSSI® can do for your business with a no-cost, predictive analysis.  

Portrait of Tim Ibbotson

Get A No-Cost, Predictive Analysis

Tim Ibbotson

It’s Your Money. Keep More Of It.

Complete the form below, click the green button, and a CSSI® representative will assist you.

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Tim Ibbotson

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How Cost Segregation Studies in Colorado Work

When you get a cost segregation study in Colorado from CSSI®, our team of professionals uses a set of engineering-based calculations to accelerate the depreciation of eligible building components. By accelerating the depreciation schedule of building components from the standard 27.5-, or 39-year schedule to a 5-, 7-, or 15-year schedule, your tax liability is substantially lowered, saving you thousands.

It doesn’t matter if you own a medical complex near Grand Junction or an office park in Denver; you can increase your cash flow with a Colorado cost segregation study from CSSI® as long as your building meets two requirements:

  • It was acquired after December 31st, 1986
  • It has a cost basis of at least $150,000

Talk to our representatives today and start saving money with a cost segregation study in Colorado.

Benefits of a Cost Segregation Study in Colorado

At CSSI®, we’re dedicated to facilitating maximum savings for our clients. You could increase your cash flow by up to 5% to 8% of your building’s cost with a cost segregation study in Colorado. Whether you own a dealership in Colorado Springs or a hotel in Durango, you can benefit from these savings.

Many of our clients use their savings to:

Use your savings how you want. It’s your money. Keep more of it with a cost segregation study in Colorado from CSSI®.

Find Out What Your Potential Savings Can Be

As the premier cost segregation company in Colorado and the entire United States, CSSI® has conducted over 20,000 studies, saving commercial building owners BILLIONS in the process. Our methods ensure you get the maximum savings possible, and we even work with your tax professional to make sure those savings are applied correctly.

Talk to our representatives today for a no-cost, predictive analysis of your building and find out your potential savings with CSSI®.