Cost Segregation Services in Massachusetts

If you’re a commercial building owner in the great state of Massachusetts, you need to know about every tax-saving opportunity available. At CSSI® – Cost Segregation Services, LLC, serving Massachusetts, we provide building owners with the opportunity to save on taxes through a cost segregation study.

Whether you own a manufacturing plant in Northampton or a seafood restaurant in Boston, we can increase your cash flow by 5%-8% of your building’s costs. Get cost segregation services in Massachusetts today and significantly increase your tax savings.

Portrait of Chris Dantin

Increase My Savings

Chris Dantin

Save Money on Your Taxes

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How Cost Segregation Services for Massachusetts Increases Your Tax Savings

With cost segregation services in Massachusetts, we analyze your eligible building components and accelerate their depreciation schedules according to U.S. tax codes.

Instead of the standard 27.5- or 39-year depreciation schedule, assets are depreciated on a 5-, 7-, or 15-year schedule. The shortened depreciation schedules result in lower taxable income, which in turn means you owe less on taxes.

With Cost Segregation Services, LLC, Massachusetts commercial building owners can keep more money in their pockets. Our team of professionals works with you and your CPA to ensure your study is applied correctly to your taxes, so you maximize your tax-time savings.

Use Your Savings from Cost Segregation Services to Your Advantage

Commercial building owners use their savings from cost segregation services in Massachusetts to:

What you do with your savings is up to you. Don’t throw more money away – get cost segregation services in Massachusetts for your commercial building and increase your cash flow.

Is My Building Eligible for Cost Segregation Services in Massachusetts?

Our team at Cost Segregation Services, LLC in Massachusetts has provided more than 45,000 studies across the state and nation. Whether you own a repair shop in Worcester or an office building in Springfield, our team can complete a study on any type of commercial building.

Your building must meet only two requirements to be eligible for cost segregation services in Massachusetts:

  • Acquired after December 31, 1986
  • Has a cost basis of at least $150,000

Get a Predictive, No-Cost Analysis of Your Commercial Building

If you’re ready to increase your tax savings, contact CSSI® to get started with a predictive, no-cost analysis of your commercial building today.

Our team of professionals has been helping commercial building owners increase their cash flow since 2003 – let us help you too. Contact us today and get a no-cost analysis.

How to Get Started

It’s your money, keep more of it.

We look forward to working with you.