Cost Segregation Services for Austin, TX, Companies

If you’re a commercial property owner in Austin, Texas, you can benefit from a cost segregation study from CSSI® – Cost Segregation Services, LLC. Our team of professionals provides an engineering-based study as part of our cost segregation services and works with your tax professional to apply the study. By partnering with us, you increase your income tax savings exponentially.

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When your business sits in the fastest growing city in the United States, you need to take advantage of every opportunity you can. Contact CSSI® to fuel your SoCo retail store or downtown restaurant with income tax savings from a cost segregation study.

How Cost Segregation Services Will Boost Your Company in Austin, Texas

A cost segregation study from CSSI® accelerates your building components’ depreciation, which reduces the amount of taxes owed on the property. Our engineering-based method ensures you stay within tax law, and you realize the maximum income tax savings possible.

With a much higher depreciation rate, you will have increased cash flow to invest in your business, purchase additional property, or eliminate debt. When you’re in the capital of Texas, the possibilities are endless for how you choose to spend your savings.

Maximizing Your Savings with Cost Segregation Services

The tax code rulings for cost segregation are in your favor. A study can be applied to commercial buildings acquired after December 31, 1986. Whether you own a restaurant that hosts concerts every night near the University of Texas or a hotel near the Capitol, we can provide you with cost segregation services.

Our team of professionals maximizes your savings by meticulously separating and depreciating components within the building. By evaluating each component within your commercial building, we ensure you take full advantage of this tax-saving method. Some components include:

After the cost segregation study is completed, we will work with your tax professional to help apply the calculations.

Cost Segregation Services for Property Owners Throughout Austin, Texas

We’ve been providing cost segregation services to commercial property owners throughout Texas and the United States since 2003. With thousands of studies completed, you can trust us to get you the most tax savings possible. Contact our representatives today and get a no-cost predictive analysis to see your potential savings. Let our experts provide you with a cost segregation study on your commercial property in Austin, TX.

How to Get Started

It’s your money, keep more of it.

We look forward to working with you.